
因为音乐 因为喜欢

Nobody But You - Lou Reed


Lou Reed的歌有许多都是内心反省、社会叙事的作品。他是摇滚界首屈一指的元老级人物之一,其音乐历程从上世纪60年代至今横跨接近半个世纪,是全球亿万乐迷顶礼膜拜的教父式人物。

nobody but you — Lou Reed

i really care a lot
although i look like i do not
since i was shot
theres nobody but you
i know i look blase (* accented on "e") 
party andys what the papers say
at dinner im the one who pays
for a nobody like you
nobody but you, a nobody like you
since i got shot
theres nobody but you
wont you decorate my house
ill sit there quiet as a mouse
you know me i like to look a lot
at nobody like you
ill hold your hand and slap my face
ill tickle you to your disgrace
wont you put me in my proper place
a nobody like you
sundays i pray a lot
id like to wind you up and paint your clock
i want to be what i am not
for a nobody like you
the bullet split my spleen and lung
the doctors said i was gone
inside ive got some shattered bone
for nobody but you
nobody but you, a nobody like you
shattered bone, for nobody but you
im still not sure i didnt die
and if im dreaming i still have bad pains inside
i know ill never be a bride
to nobody like you
i wish i had a stronger chin
my skin was good, my nose was thin
this is no movie id ask to be in
with a nobody like you
nobody like you, a nobody like you
all my life
its been nobodies like you
the end

 没有人只有你 象你这样
 你了解我 我喜欢看很多
 我想把你拉起来 然后涂你的钟
 没有别人只有你 没有人会像你
 碎了的骨头 没有人只有你
 我的身体会很好 我的鼻子能更瘦一点



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